1 JUNE 09
...when WE are blest by design and having OUR way...
~a vessle of reconciliation will be set afloat on rivers of waters~
...in wHOLIstic homage to MaMa Yemanya...
~incrumental talisman in 3threes & 7sevens will drift upon the cascading depths~
...as visualizations &; actualizations make magical manifestions...
~in ALL the SIStahs who are Mothers & Mothers & Daughters of Mothers...
...gathering HARAMBEE style ALLways & forEVER...
MotherSistahWoman...longing distressedly for the ReBorn MOTHER in YOU...I am given recognizability for I see self same forlorn longing withINN me...
YOUr frequent tears ARE libatory release for OUR living birth pain...your tears are cause for alternate,heARTfelt pain & sadness & rage running to & fro in me...
The unfriendly, familiar trepidation worn haggardly within you...makes me know fear recognizeably selfsame w/in me...as I rejoice in BEING better willingly able to lately calibrate unwell energies into those which strengthen my dedicated desire for divine discipline & cognitive powers...WE will walk this ethereally challenging path of prosperity & victory...succeeding in the likeness of NONE other! As we move...increasing results occur...soon we fly...NEVER to die...as we live in the now & everlasting!