• Bring beauty and respect into our lives
• Innovate new thought patterns
• Knock down racial, geographic, and generational walls
• Preserve our collective memories
• Shape our identities from birth through maturity
• Create wages and enhance the nation's economy
• Nurture skills that help us to excel globally ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
* Centro Cultural Latino de Memphis
* Danza Azteca Quetzalcoatl
* T.A.M. (TN*ARK*MS) Farms
* Reno First UMC
* Rivendel Independent Living Center
* Holy Community UMC, Memphis
* Latino Memphis
* MidSouth Peace & Justice Center
Gandhi*King Conference
* R.E.A.L.
(*Responsibility *Earth *Art *Learning)
* Prayer in America, PBS
* Sierra Arts
* Washoe County Schools
(Prayer In America)
* Bernice Martin Matthews Elementary School
* City of Reno Parks & Recreation
* Great Basin Foods CoOp
* Associated Catholic Charities, Inc.
* National Federation of Women of Color
* Memphis Museum Systems
* Center for Southern Folklore
* Environmental Protection Agency
(Lead Safe Kids)
* Raymond & Rosa Parks Institute
* Friends for Life
* Jabril World Institute
* Northwest Airlines
* LeMoyne-Owen College
* Memphis Black Arts Alliance
* Memphis Black Reperatory Theatre
(Costume & Set Design)
* Memphis City & Shelby County Schools
* C.O.R.E.
* C.O.R.R.
* Memphis & Shelby County Libraries
* Mid-South Peace & Justice Center
(JustPeace * Issues On Aging)
* National Civil Rights Museum
(S.H.A.R.P. YOUth!~Sharing History And Remembering the Past)
* Shelby State Community College
* Lucille Ewing CHILDREN's MUSEUM
* Memphis in May
(The Beggar of Soutile)
* The Mediation Center
* Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority
* TN, Ark, Miss (TAM) Farms
* Torchlight Institute
* University of Tennessee
* Victorian Village
* Alex Haley Museum
* Heritage Tours, Inc.
* Be Visible Magazine
(HERbally YOUr's)
* Precious Carge Cultural Exchange
* Greater Memphis Arts Council
* USDA Farmer's Nutrition Program
* International League of Muslim Women
* Mississippi Agricultural CoOp
*USDA Eat 5 a Day Program
* Tn Association for the Preservation & Perpetuation of Storytelling
* Yarnspinners
* Lead Safe Kids
* Black Familty Reunion Inc.
* Children's Museums of America
* Senior Citizen's Services
* 21st Century Leadership Development
* Gateway Home School
* Sister Clara Muhammad School
* The Power Center, TN
* Women of Achievement, Inc.
* South Memphis Alliance
* Girl Scouts of America
* The MEDIA Center / Sierra Nevada Access TV
* Jack & Jill of America
* Coalition of 100 Black Women
* Institute of Amer-Afrikan Youth
* Jewish Community Center
* Memphis Parks Commission
* Project Spirit
* Sankofa @ University of Memphis
* River of Song, PBS
* Cablevision ~ Memphis
* Memphis Shelby County Health Department
* Southern Christian Leadership Conference
* Washoe County Library System
* Agnes Risley Elementary School
* The Bahias of Reno
* Boy' & Girl's Club Truckee Meadows
* Sagewind Community Garden
* I Can Do Anything Charter High School
* TMCC High School
* The Media Center / SNCAT
* The Bleu Lyon Gallery
* Association for Creative Moral Education
* African Heritage Leadership Conference
* Blues City Cultural Center
* Neighborhood Mediation Center