...an Edu*Arts Alternative Communities Publication...
My several Arts in Education residencies have afforded me many rewarding experiences. The most profound of these is in the witnessing of and to, very talented youth who are students in Washoe County Schools' "ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS". These hundreds of young people look like any other middle or high school student; however, these particular students may happen to be...Mothers, Fathers, Juvenile Offenders, Run Aways, Homeless, Abuse Victims, Physically or Mentally Challenged, Chemical Abusers, Taggers, Prostitutes, Gang Bangers - the list can go on and on.
My goal when accepting a residency is to offer the student the most enriching opportunity possible as relates to art and Washoe County School's Performance Standards. However rewarding, it is not a "sleeper" job.
In my challenging opportunity to serve them, I in turn challenge them to serve in return.
The plan to publish the works of students from Washoe high, Jan evans Center, McGee Center, 24-7 TLC, Boys & Girls Club and R.E.A.L. (*Responsiblity *Earth *Art *Learning) was initiated in a Washoe High School teacher simply wanting her students to make books to give to elementary school students...
My expanded vision for what proved to become a very well recieved class project evolved, largely due to the inconsistent attendance of the "at risk" student body at Washoe High. I felt the project could be expanded upon by involving other young artists, many of whom are or have been students in Washoe County Schools' alternative programs.
Students were given an assignment to create and draw a positive symbol and write an accompanying postive statement which would be motivating and inspiring to younger students.
I suggested to the students that we make our book one inwhich the younger students could actually color...the idea to include a penmanship block per page was my idea with the goal in mind to foster and perpetuate beautiful writing.
* The book will consist of 28 double sided activity pages
* The 'mentoring' book will given to elementary school students at schools, libraries and ALTERNATIVE PROGRAMS.
I requested the support of four Reno Professional Artists in the selection of renderings applicable to these 7seven themes:
Artists, Penelope Powell, Laurence Veome Yarbrough, Sher'on Jackson and Laura Fillmore have offered amazing commitment to this project, largely because the young artists either are, were or remind them of students of theirs.
In order to offset printing costs I am requesting support through advertisement options:
* Alphabetized Listings.................................$15.00
* Business Card..............................................$25.oo
* 1/4 page........................................................$50.00
* 1/2 page........................................................$100.00
* Full Page.......................................................$250.00
* Cover Logo...................................................$500.00
I view this initiative as an intergenerational creative arts grassroots empowerment model. We appreciate all kind consideration.
...please contact us...
P.O.Box 40754
Reno, NV
Asante Sana...Thank YOU Very Much!