i WILL design U safehaven w/ minarets so far reaching WE*WILL soar further than the moon we will welcome melodies w/ swift eagles & angels who fly i will compose U a tune ...then... example for U loving as warm as ancient ovens & ...if THAT does not suit U... i WILL work forEVER & i will WOmaniFEST all things ~ new! |
POWER ~ ...the inherent ability to affect & define truth & change & witness that PEACE truth * change be born & made manifest in others...
Are the gifts and talents which YOU embody and sincerely swing attached to heaven blest wings ~ OR ~Are the talents and gifts YOU embody and swing attached to winding and binding giving to get strings?
What measure a helping hand which stands predominate as selfish inroad to broadcast for some empty form of piss poor praise
Better to give and recieve with a heart*mind for Eloheem flavored things...
Best to recieve with a mind*heart bursting to share...
Blessings cannot be bound in hearsay and psuedo pleasure
Bear FULL witness to just what the REAL ways of love lay up for treasure
By what yard stick scale does your wholistic*charity truely measure?
...not every closed eye slumbers...
Not every farewell indicates departure...
When 1One assists 1One other...at least 2Two are strengthened...ALL that WE keep, WE lose...that which WE give, WE have...as everything WE share is multiplied!
...loneliness may be an emotionally extreme form of suffering...ALL ways allow that halcyon memories of joyful times keep you quiet company...
...violence negatively impacts both culture and heART...
...nothing occurs until something happens...LOYALTY HAS MUCH TO DO WITH SELF AWARENESS & MUTUAL RESPECTconsciousness ...challenges crassness...scorn & hate~ choosing is not claiming ~The POWER of GRACE~ amazing ~...guarantees living in the JOYLUV of the ALL......ORDER*ORDAINS...
dedicated discipline and discerning diligence
The tongue has no power expect that given by heart & mind...
1One who loves cannot hate...1One who hates cannot love!