Thursday, May 26, 2005

...Amazing ASSuMErs...

15 December 07

...amazingly...we are so often given to ask ourselves...

...WHY? ...why are we yet and still so deeply affected...painfully wounded ~ all because of some much less than stellar choices we make ~ or have sometimes made in our past?

Everyone has made unwise choices at some point in life ~ some of us have made poor choices many times more than a time or two...

Often, we are grossly submerged in fear and doubt...there are all types of loveless lack which leave us unable to think clearly about choices and consequences...

Everyone wishes and hopes...perhaps everyone can recall having planned haphazardly, TRUSTING IN SOME SHABBY COURSE OF ACTION or someone ~ centered in nothingness...

...and so, we are again & again wounded by & IN the seemingly ever reverberating, debilitating, scathing abuses and trials...

You may readily recall being victimized by some repeated attack, being subject to some disrespectful violent NOISE ~ often we are mere witness to the abuse which others are receiving...the witnessing is wounding as we care...

Some of us choose not to be incessantly affected by violence ~ no one should desire to be in earshot of words or acts of war...

Peace IS possible...even the desire for peace has healing power...

Perhaps if we are given opportunity to lay rest on some platform of comfort, even some borrowed bed ~ even temporary comfort supersedes none...

COMFORT hold a valuable place ~ even within melancholy...

Praying for GRACE invariably affords us that welcoming peace inducing space...that proverbial eye within the oftentimes raging storm...that halcyon spot of prosperity...

That warm and fuzzy ocean of love! you slither by...WE see you bound in your haphazard assumption...focus sharply~ the muddled & cracking lens of your petty & self centered mad mind's eye... representative of the ALL in ALL...

that smooth sailing passerby whose loving heART would pledge compassion & would much rather walk the tenacious path of PEACE...Please do not awaken the wanting rest war guarantor...better that WE are as we exist in the much more wholistic than submission to the much of entrapment which slimevily consumes and drags ALL love beneath...

I do not apologize for being borne in the I am but 1ONE with the unwilling walkers of terresta's winding, binding & ultimately uplifting labyrinth!

Should 1one whose lips drip lies ever be compelled to seek audience with IMEMINE...and lay forth some nappy naped carpet upon which in their supposed play power seek to find me on ANY day...better that they prepare for US in this concerted certain that the path that WE choose to walk upon... be of straight and upright tread bordered by gold in vermillion!

...and if upon any road WE choose to tread...buttress it well for WE walk not in dread...and be of right order and IMEMINE slow drag renounce ALL drama...OUR crown cocked on the mountaintop of this here natty*dread heart*head...

Come full circle we do not walk on eggs...unless of course WE choose to give exercise to the thick as a brick stiff timbers of OUR legs...and it is OUR's to decide the result of the request ASSuMEr's complainingly spanks...for holler back 1one's of ass kissing doubt...WE most definitely & simply ain't!

So - when you not forget to pad...the pus filled fragments of your carrion reptilian bodiless parts - not to mention the gangrenous spot which houses your empty heart!

...the FINISHER!

We are in well & correct order...being amazed by or with beings who are audacious ASSuMErs is indeed proper ...I refer to those beings who take self propagating ASSuming liberties with disrespect to the personal space and / or time of others...ALTHOUGH THESE BEINGS EXAMPLE THE UTMOST DISrespect as relates to their delusional desire of power and serious issues of contrived control, BE NOT ANGRY WITH THEM...they either know NOT what they do...OR...they do not have an inherent sence of wellness and SELF CONTROL.
Their's is angry madness aplenty!
Bear witness to their tone and their timing...aren't they usually very actively centered in the negative, controlling maelstrom of self?

They arrive unexpectedly...& if expected, they generally arrive late...IF they arrive AT ALL! They require too much unwarranted attention...they call, or come or write incessantly, compulsively...usually talking long on issues of little relevance to whatever is REALLY the real deal...They make statements via Email, fax and phone...the messages they leave tend to be very needy (indication of lack) and SELF centered...focusing with huge profundity in the ME...seldom (if ever) in the WE...They presume w/out trepidation...
They truly deserve NO dedicated attention

IF 1one riskily considers the much less than credible agendas of the AMAZING ASSuMErs, the risk taker submits head & heart 1st to beings who operate from an overweening spirit of FEAR & DIS* EAZE...the risk takers are guaranteed only CUPS NOT FULL or NURTURING but PERPETUALLY EMPTY & DEBILITATING...though brimming w/ the ever depressing & lingering residue of malice, distain and often contempt...Real folk just call them